MTC Micro Tech Components GmbH participates again in the career information fair FIT FOR JOB. This will take place on Saturday, 07th May 2022 from 9 am to 3 pm in the Nordschwabenhalle in Höchstädt.
The fair is primarily aimed at students who are currently attending the 7th-10th grades of middle and high schools, the 10th-12th grades of grammar schools as well as technical colleges and upper vocational schools, and who will thus be faced with the decision to choose a career in the coming years. Many local companies present themselves with their training offers, so that interested students and parents have the opportunity to inform themselves about the different training professions.
MTC is currently training two commercial trainees for wholesale and foreign trade and one warehouse logistics specialist. In addition, a former trainee is completing her dual study program "Business Administration - International Business" with us.
We are aware of our responsibility for training and want to give committed young people the chance for a solid training in the coming years.
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