Microwave absorbers

These materials are mainly used in applications where high frequencies should be absorbed. In a lot of these cases the “reflective shielding” of gaskets is not fully sufficient. Therefore microwave absorbers are used in combination with the gasket to reach requested results. Another application is the absorbtion of resonances in cavities.

Microwave absorbers are used in all kind of industries like:

  • military
  • automotive
  • telecommunications
  • antennas
  • applications

Tuned Frequency Absorber product series is a thin magnetically loaded sheet stock. Tuned Frequency Absorbers, also known as resonant frequency absorbers, provide great reflection loss at a discrete frequency, typically offering 20dB of attenuation. Tuned Frequency Absorbers offer a narrowband of absorption, typically +/-10% of the resonant frequency, so are best used when a single discrete frequency is trying to be absorbed. The material can be tuned to any frequency from 1 to 40 GHz, by simply changing the formulation and thickness. → Specifications: Tuned Frequency Absorber

Reticulated Foam Absorber product series is a lightweight conductive carbon loaded sheet stock providing broadband loss at microwave frequencies. Reticulated Foam Absorbers are designed with a continuous gradient coating to exhibit high reflection loss and are intended to be applied to metal surfaces inside microwave cavities, housings, radomes, network enclosures, or antennae. Reticulated Foam Absorbers attenuate energy at normal and high angles of incidence at frequencies from 1 GHz to 18 GHz. → Specifications: Reticulated Foam Absorbers

Lossy Foam Absorber product series is a lightweight conductive carbon loaded sheet stock providing broadband insertion loss at microwave frequencies. Lossy Foam Absorbers are designed with a constant coating to exhibit high insertion loss and are intended to be applied to metal surfaces inside microwave cavities, housings, radomes, network enclosures, or antennae. Lossy Foam absorbers are the lowest cost solution for attenuating energy at frequencies from 1GHz to 18 GHz. → Specifications: Lossy Foam Absorbers

Cavity Resonance Absorber product series is a thin magnetically loaded sheet stock having loss at microwave frequencies, while maintaining the desirable
characteristics of elastomeric binders. Cavity Resonance Absorbers are designed to exhibit high loss and are intended to be applied to metal surfaces inside
microwave cavities to reduce the Q of the cavity. Cavity Resonance Absorbers attenuate energy at normal and high angles of incidence at frequencies from 1 GHz to 20 GHz. → Specifications: Cavity Resonace Absorbers

Convoluted Foam Absorber product series is a lightweight conductive carbon impregnated sheet stock providing broadband reflection loss at microwave frequencies. Due to the shape of the cones on Convoluted Foam Absorbers, they exhibit high reflection loss and are intended to be applied to metal surfaces inside test boxes, housings, radomes, network enclosures or antennae. Convoluted Foam Absorbers attenuate energy at normal and high angles of incidence at frequencies from 1 GHz to 18 GHz. → Specifications: Convoluted Foam Absorbers

Low Frequency EMI Absorbers product series is a magnetically loaded sheet stock having high loss at sub-microwave frequencies. Low Frequency Absorbers are designed with shaped magnetic particles that exhibit high permeability at frequencies from 500 MHz to 4 GHz. The Low Frequency Absorber product line is the thinnest of the microwave absorber series product, with standard thicknesses of 0,2, 0,3, 0,5 und 1,0 mm. Other thicknesses and configurations are also available. → Specifications: Low Frequency Absorbers

Surface Wave Absorber product series is a thin very highly loaded sheet stock having high loss at microwave frequencies, while maintaining the desirable characteristics of elastomeric binders. Surface Wave Absorbers are the most heavily magnetically loaded absorber. Surface Wave Absorbers are designed to exhibit the highest loss and are intended to be applied to metal surfaces for traveling or surface wave attenuation. Surface Wave Absorbers attenuate traveling wave energy at frequencies from 1 GHz to 20 GHz. The standard elastomer for this product series is silicone, but other elastomer formulations are available which may be better suited for specific environmental conditions.  → Specifications: Surface Wave Absorbers

Tolerances Microwave Absorbers

material thickness (mm) MWA - TFA +/- 0,127
MWA - RFA on request
MWA - LFA on request
MWA - CRA +/- 0,127
MWA - CFA on request
MWA - NFA +/- 0,127
MWA - SWA +/- 0,127
lenght & width cut (mm) general 0,5
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